

Vehicles can be anything from a pirate ship to a fighter jet. Similar to the way any character can be made with the right combination of Attributes any Vehicle can be made with the Vehicle creation rules.

In combat Vehicles act differently than combat between Creatures. In Vehicle combat each Round is Broken up into multiple phases with every Vehicle completing that phase before moving to the next phase. If Vehicles are in combat with Creatures the entire Vehicle Round occurs after the Creatures Round.

Vehicles are often Immune to many conditions that affect Creatures, such as Flat Footed, Flanked, Bleeding, Blind, Dead, Shaken, Grappled, Incapacitated, Poisoned, Prone, Slowed, Stunned, or Unconscious. These conditions can still Effect crew members of the Vehicle though. Other conditions like Seen, Concealed, Hidden, Undetected, Destroyed, On fire (Effects 1 Quadrant), Line of Effect, Entangled, or Invisible may still affect the Vehicle.

Vehicle Round Phases

Crew - All crew members agree which station they are operating.

Initiative - All crew members Helming their Vehicles make a Helm Check to determine Turn order. If the Pilot does not have the "Helm" Skill Feat they may make a Helm Check at Disadvantage. Turn order is from lowest to highest since more skilled crews will want to position themselves based on their Enemies Actions. If no crew member is in the Helm Station the ships roll is a 0.

Power - All Vehicles Power stations act in Turn order.

Propulsion - All Vehicles Propulsion stations act in Turn order.

Helm - All Vehicles Helm stations act in Turn order.

Weapon - All Vehicles Weapon stations act. This happens simultaneously and Damage is not dealt until the Damage phase.

Damage - Damage is taken based on the hits from the Weapon phase. Damage Effects are Determined for all Vehicles.

Basic Statistics

Similar to the way Creatures can shape their abilities by allocating their Attributes and choosing Feats, Vehicles are shaped by the way their build points are spent.

Vehicle LevelBuild Points

The primary use of build points is on the Vehicles basic statistics like Size, Material, Propulsion, Maneuverability, and Power.

Size - determines how big the Vehicle it is. The more Size the larger the crew and the more HP it will have, but it will also make the Vehicle slower.

Material - is how tough the Vehicle is. Better Material means that the Vehicle will have more HP and be less likely to have systems Damaged when under fire.

Propulsion - is how fast the Vehicle can Move. This is important for covering ground quickly and dodging Enemy Attacks, but makes the Vehicle harder to handle.

Maneuverability - determines how Agile the Vehicle is. This increases both the Movement Points of the Vehicle as well as reduces it's Turn Cost.

Power - represents the extra Energy the Vehicle has. This can be used to temporarily improve the Vehicles Performance or Power Weapons and Shields.

22 (Large)2222
44 (Huge)4444
66 (Gargantuan)6666
88 (Colossal)8888
1010 (Titanic)10101010

Build points can also be used to purchase abilities for the Vehicle. It is necessary for the Vehicle to take at least one Type of movement to be useful.

Ground Surface Movement1The vehicle can move along the surface of the ground at the vehicles speed
Water Surface Movement1The vehicle can move along the surface of the water at the vehicles speed
Underwater Movement2The vehicle can move underwater or along the water's surface at half the vehicles speed
Underground Movement3The vehicle can move underground or along the ground's surface at half the vehicles speed
Air Movement3The vehicle can move through the air at twice the vehicles speed, but must move forward at least once per round
Hover1The vehicle no longer needs to move forward when flying
Turret1The vehicle has a turret weapon that can fire into any quadrant
Cloaking3A crew member at the Power Station may spend 2 Vehicle Energy to activate cloaking. This makes the vehicle invisible or changes its appearance for 1 hour. The Vehicles must make a spell attack is (d20+Vehicle Level+Power) against creatures helming other nearby vehicles. On a success the Vehicle is cloaked, on a failure the other vehicles see through the illusion. Attacking ends the effects of cloaking.
Shields4The Vehicle gains regenerative shielding. These shields can be regenerated using the vehicles power station.
Teleportation10A crew member in the Propulsion Station may spend 5 Vehicle Eenergy to teleport the vehicle to a location within 10000000 ft (Approx. 2000 miles)

The Vehicles Size determines its Quadrant Base HP and Max Crew as shown on the table below. Larger Vehicles may even be able to carry smaller Vehicles as cargo.

SizeSpaceMax HeightQuadrant Base HPMax CrewMax PassengersCargoExampleDescription
Large1016811small objectMotorcycleJust big enough to fit the pilot and maybe someone holding on to them
Huge20321622medium objectCarSeats 4, you could live in there if you needed
Gargantuan40643244large objectMillennium falconJust big enough for a few people to live there
Colossal801286488huge objectFireflyComfortable for a small crew
Titanic1602561281616gargantuan objectStar Wars Blockade runnerComfortable for a full crew

Based on the stats and abilities purchased with the Vehicles build points the remainder of the Vehicles necessary statistics can be calculated.

Quadrant HP

Each Quadrant of the Vehicle (Fore, Aft, Starboard, Port) has its own HP. If any one Quadrant of a Vehicle reaches 0 HP the Vehicle is wrecked and cannot function.

Quadrant HP is equal to Quadrant Base HP*(Material+Vehicle Level)

Movement Points

When a Vehicle moves or Turns it must spend Movement Points to do so. Spending a point of movement allows a Vehicle to Move forward at its Speed and spending points equal to the Vehicles Turn Cost allows it to Turn 45 degrees.

Movement Points is equal to Propulsion+Maneuverability+Vehicle Level-Size (Minimum 0)

Physical Defense

Similar to Creatures a Vehicles Physical Defense is used as the DC for Attacks made against it. Because Vehicles are so Large they often have lower Physical Defense than Creatures, but can make up for this in other ways.

The Physical Defense of the Vehicle is equal to 10+Propulsion+Vehicle Level-Size

Max Vehicle Energy

Vehicle Energy, like Energy a Creature has, is used to fuel additional Effects like temporarily boosting the Vehicles Speed, or firing a powerful Weapon, but it cannot have more Energy than its Max Vehicle Energy at any given time.

Max Vehicle Energy is equal to Power+Vehicle Level

Vehicle Energy Generation

Every Turn a Vehicle generates Vehicle Energy equal to its Power. If the Vehicle has 0 Power Vehicle Energy can only be generated by a crew member at the Power station using their Action to "Push Generator".

Vehicle Energy gained each Round is equal to Power

Max Quadrant Shield

If a Vehicle has Shields they can have additional Shield HP in each Quadrant.

The maximum Shield HP for each Quadrant is equal to (Power+Vehicle Level)*Power


Whenever a Vehicle moves it moves forward equal to its Speed. For Vehicles with high Propulsion this may mean that they can Move incredibly quickly, but that it is hard to Move precisely without using the "Move with Precision" Helm Action.

The Speed of a Vehicle is 10*Propulsion ft

Turn Cost

For a Vehicle to Turn 45 degrees it must spend Movement Points equal to its Turn Cost. Larger Vehicles may take several Rounds to completely Turn around, while smaller more maneuverable Vehicles are able to Turn at little or no cost.

The Turn Cost of a Vehicle is (Speed+Size-Maneuverability)/2 (Minimum 0)


Each station on a Vehicle allows the user to serve a different function. Only one crew member can Helm the Vehicle or operate a specific Weapon during a Round, but there may be multiple crew members using the Power or Propulsion stations at the same time.

Certain Actions at each station may require the crew member to make a special Type of Check. To take that Action the crew member must have the relevant Skill Feat.

Check TypeRequirementRoll
Helm CheckRequires "Helm" skill featd20+DEX+Character Level
Repair CheckRequires "Mechanic" skill featd20+MND+Character Level
Power CheckRequires "Artificer" featd20+ESS+Character Level


Every Vehicle has 1 Helm. The Helm is the station used to Pilot the Vehicle.

Move QuicklyThe Vehicle can move an additional number of Movement Points equal to your Helm Check/5
Move EvasivelyThe Vehicle moves and gains a bonus to Physical Defense based equal to your Helm Check/5.
Move with PrecisionThe Vehicle moves up to its Movement Points, but can move less than it's speed if you choose.
Move and FireThe Vehicle moves and fires at a target in the forward quadrant with the Helm's weapon with Disadvantage on the attack.
Move and ScanThe Vehicle moves and all illusions (such as invisible creatures or vehicles) in your area must make another spell attack against your mental defense.


The Vehicle can have as many Weapons as the crew Size allows. A Vehicle can have Weapons in each Quadrant up to 1/4 the number of crew members. A Vehicle can have one Turret Weapon. Weapons in the turret position can target any Quadrant.

FireThe Vehicle fires using the weapon mounted at this station on a target in the appropriate quadrant
TargetYou aim the weapon giving it advantage on it's next attack
RepairYou makes a repair check. On a success the weapon is repaired one step.
Use HatchYou act as you normally would on your turn if you were not in a vehicle. You can still only target things outside the vehicle in your Quadrants projected view. (this allows you to use your own weapons or spells in place of the ships or to take any other actions you may want)


The Vehicle can have as many Propulsion stations as the crew Size allows, although it is common to only have one or two.

Boost SpeedYou spend Vehicle Energy up to your repair check/5 to increase the vehicle's speed by 10 ft per point of Vehicle Energy spent this way for the rest of the round.
Boost ManeuverabilityYou spend Vehicle Energy up to your repair check/5. For the rest of the round the vehicles Turn Cost is reduced by 1 for each point spent this way.
ReverseFor the rest of the round the ship moves as if it were facing the opposite direction.
Power WeaponsYou spend Vehicle Energy up to your repair check/5 to increase the the damage of a weapon stations next attack by 10 for each Vehicle Energy spent this way. If the attack deals enough damage to another Vehicle to damage one of its stations the crew member using the weapon may decide what is affected.
RepairYou make a repair check. On a success the Propulsion station is repaired one step.
Prime TeleportYou spend the Vehicle Energy required to teleport the ship. This is clearly visible to other nearby ships. The Vehicle can teleport next round.
TeleportYou activate the vehicles teleportation and travel to a destination within range. The vehicle must have Primed Teleport the previous round.


The Vehicle can have as many Propulsion stations as the crew Size allows, although it is common to only have one or two.

Charge ShieldsYou spend Vehicle Energy up to your Power check/5 to charge the shields for 10 times the amount of Vehicle Energy spent divided evenly between the 4 quadrants as you choose.
Rebalance ShieldsYou redistribute the shields between the quadrants.
Push ShieldsYou spend Vehicle Energy equal to your Power check/5 to charge the shields of one quadrant for 20 times the amount of Vehicle Energy spent. For the rest of this round that quadrant's Max Quadrant Shield is doubled.
Activate CloakingYou spend Vehicle Energy to cloak the vehicle for the next 100 minutes. This can cause the vehicle to look like another object or be invisible entirely. If the vehicle fires the duration ends.
Push GeneratorYou generate Vehicle Energy equal to your Power check/5.
RepairYou makes a repair check. On a success the Power Station is repaired one step.


When moving the crew member operating the Helm can spend the Vehicles Movement Points each Round to reposition the Vehicle. If they choose they may not spend all of the Movement Points.

They can spend 1 point to Move forward a distance equal to its Speed. Vehicles only Move forward unless a crew member at the Propulsion station uses the "Reverse" Action. The Vehicle cannot Move less than it's Speed unless the crew member a the Helm used the "Move with Precision" Action.

They can spend Movement Points equal to the Turn Cost to Turn the Vehicle 45 degrees. Turning costs 1 additional point for every time the Vehicle turned before this without moving.


When you Damage a Vehicle you do Damage to the same Quadrant of the Vehicle you would be targeted by. Damage taken is first delt to that Quadrants Shields, and then the Quadrant of the Vehicle itself. If a Quadrant has 0HP the Vehicle is wrecked and can only be repaired by paying for materials equal to 1/4 of the Vehicles worth. If multiple Quadrants are brought to 0 HP they must be repaired separately.

When a Vehicle (not its Shields) takes Damage there is a chance a station could be Damaged. A number of stations equal to the Damage to the Quadrant that Round / Damage Threshold rounded down are Damaged.

To determine what station is Damaged roll a d3. If the station that would be Damaged does not exist or is already Destroyed nothing happens. When a station is effected it first becomes "Damaged", then if affected again becomes "Broken", and finally "Destroyed".

d4 rollStation
3Turret Weapon
4A random weapon in the quadrant that took the damage


StatusRepair DCEffect
Damaged10+Vehicle LevelThe Max Vehicle Energy is reduced by 5 to a minimum of 0 and Max Quadrant Shield is reduced by 50 to a minimum of 0
Broken15+Vehicle LevelEnergy Generation is reduced to 0
Destroyed25+Vehicle LevelAll shields drop to 0. You cannot Charge Shields, Rebalance Shields, or Push Generator


StatusRepair DCEffect
Damaged10+Vehicle LevelMovement Points is reduced by 3 to a minimum of 0
Broken15+Vehicle LevelMovement Points is reduced by 6 to a minimum of 0
Destroyed25+Vehicle LevelThe ship cannot move


StatusRepair DCEffect
Damaged10+Vehicle LevelThe weapon has Disadvantage on attack rolls
Broken15+Vehicle LevelThe weapon cannot be used
Destroyed-The weapon is completely destroyed. It must be replaced with a new weapon.


A Vehicle may have any number of Weapons, but since each crew member can only crew one Weapon at a time it is rarely useful to have more than a few Weapons in each Quadrant. When firing a Weapon it can only Attack targets visible to that Quadrant of the ship. A turret Weapon can fire at targets in any Quadrant, but is also more likely to be Damaged.

Non Magical Weapons function as Heavy Weapons dealing 3 times normal Damage (since they only get 1 Action a Round). Attacks are made using the crew members Ranged Attack Bonus, but Damage is Determined based on the minimum Strength and Level a Vehicle that Size would have if it were a Creature.

Similar to Non-Magical Weapons, Magical Weapons deal 3 times the normal amount of Damage. The Vehicle Energy cost to use a Weapon is 2 less Energy than Casting the Spell normally. The emanation point of a targeted Area may not be inside another Vehicle. For example if a character were to Cast a fireball with a Range of 1000 ft and an instantaneous Duration that delt3d10 Fire Damage in a 20ft diameter it would normally cost 9 Energy. A Vehicle Weapon using the same Spell would deal 9d10 Fire Damage and cost 7 Vehicle Energy. These Weapons are often more expensive than Non-Magical Weapons, and cost a Large amount of Energy to use, but can be incredibly powerful as they can Damage all Quadrant of the Enemy Vehicle that are partially within the Area. This means that multiple Quadrants can be Damaged at once, including Quadrants that would normally be shielded from Damage.

NameMin Vehicle SizeCostDescription
Grappling Hook-0.5You make a ranged attack with a range increment of 10 ft using the crew members Ranged Attack against another Vehicle's Physical Defense. On a success the vehicles are connected and cannot move until the grappling hook is released. While connected crew members can board each others ships.
Tractor Beam 1Gargantuan32You spend 2 energy and make a spell attack against an object Large or smaller. On a success it moves 60ft towards you and neither Vehicle can move next turn. If there is enough room for the target in your vehicles cargo and the target would come close enough you can force it into your cargo hold. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Tractor Beam 2Colossal64You spend 2 energy and make a spell attack against an object Huge or smaller. On a success it moves 70ft towards you and neither Vehicle can move next turn. If there is enough room for the target in your vehicles cargo and the target would come close enough you can force it into your cargo hold. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Tractor Beam 3Titanic128You spend 2 energy and make a spell attack against an object Gargantuan or smaller. On a success it moves 80ft towards you and neither Vehicle can move next turn. If there is enough room for the target in your vehicles cargo and the target would come close enough you can force it into your cargo hold. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Cannon 1Large1You make a ranged attack with a range increment of 50 ft using the crew members bonus against a targets Physical Defense. On a success the cannon deals 3d10+20.
Cannon 2Huge2You make a ranged attack with a range increment of 50 ft using the crew members bonus against a targets Physical Defense. On a success the cannon deals 3d10+30.
Cannon 3Gargantuan4You make a ranged attack with a range increment of 50 ft using the crew members bonus against a targets Physical Defense. On a success the cannon deals 3d10+40.
Cannon 4Colossal8You make a ranged attack with a range increment of 50 ft using the crew members bonus against a targets Physical Defense. On a success the cannon deals 3d10+50.
Cannon 5Titanic16You make a ranged attack with a range increment of 50 ft using the crew members bonus against a targets Physical Defense. On a success the cannon deals 3d10+60.
Flamethrower 1-4You spend 4 energy to fire a 20ft cone of fire dealing 9d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Flame Thrower 2-32You spend 8 energy to fire a 35ft cone of fire dealing 18d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Flame Thrower 3-256You spend 12 energy fire a 50ft cone of fire dealing 27d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Lightning Arc 1-1You fire a 20ft line of electricity dealing 3d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Lightning Arc 2-2You spend 2 energy to fire a 50ft line of electricity dealing 6d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Lightning Arc 3-8You spend 6 energy to fire a 100ft line of electricity dealing 12d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Lightning Arc 4-32You spend 10 energy to fire a 150ft line of electricity dealing 18d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Lightning Arc 5-128You spend 14 energy to fire a 300 ft line of electricity dealing 24d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Lightning Arc 6-512You spend 18 energy to fire a 450 ft line of electricity dealing 30d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Fire Ball 1-2You spend 4 energy to fire a 15ft diameter ball of fire within 100ft that deals 6d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Fire Ball 2-4You spend 7 energy to fire a 20ft diameter ball of fire within 1000ft that deals 9d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Fire Ball 3-16You spend 9 energy to fire a 20ft diameter ball of fire within 1000ft that deals 15d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Fire Ball 4-64You spend 11 energy to fire a 20ft diameter ball of fire within 1000ft that deals 21d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Fire Ball 4-256You spend 13 energy to fire a 20ft diameter ball of fire within 1000ft that deals 27d10 damage. This effect targets all appropriate Quadrants. The Vehicles spell attack is d20+Vehicle Level+POWER.
Ram 1Large1In a collision with a Large or smaller object that occurs during your movement you take no damage.
Ram 2Huge2In a collision with a Huge or smaller object that occurs during your movement you take no damage.
Ram 3Gargantuan4In a collision with a Gargantuan or smaller object that occurs during your movement you take no damage.
Ram 4Colossal8In a collision with a Colossal or smaller object that occurs during your movement you take no damage.
Ram 5Titanic16In a collision with a Titanic or smaller object that occurs during your movement you take no damage.


If a Vehicle is driven into another Object as part of its movement both Objects take Damage as if the smaller of the two had fallen a distance equal to the Vehicles Speed.

This can be used offensively to hit other Creatures and Vehicles. To collide with a Creature or Vehicle the crew member in the Helm station must use the "Move and fire Action" using a Helm Check as their Attack roll against the targets Physical Defense. On a miss the Creature or Vehicle being targeted is able to get out of the way in time. On a hit the collision Damage occurs during the Damage phase.