

Skills represent you ability to interact with the world in many useful ways. Each Skill is based on one of your Attributes and your Level. As you gain experience or increase your Attributes your Skills will increase. You also get Skill Feats as you Level allowing you to use your Skills in new and powerful ways.



DC = number of ft horizontally + number of ft down + (number of ft up x 4)

You attempt to Jump a distance. You do not take fall Damage when you successfully Jump down a vertical distance. On a failure you Jump as close to your target as possible with the result of your roll and take fall Damage for the rest of the distance as normal. You may Jump as part of a Move Action with Disadvantage (this does not allow you to Move more than your Speed). If you spend an Action to prepare for a Jump you may roll with Advantage. (this may include getting a Running start or just taking a moment to prepare) If you are carrying more Bulk than your Carrying Capacity roll with Disadvantage.



DC = 10 - 30 (Tree 10, Rough Stone 20, Masonry 30)

You attempt to Climb up to half your Speed (minimum 5ft). This requires two free hands or Natural Weapons. On a failure you fall taking fall Damage as normal. Any time a Creature would fall they may make a Climb Check as a Reaction to Grab a nearby surface if possible (even if they fell while trying to Climb that surface. This means you often need to fail two Checks in a row to fall.) If you have Gear that can help you in Climbing roll with Advantage. If you are carrying more Bulk than your Carrying Capacity roll with Disadvantage.



DC = 10 - 30 (Calm Water 10, Fast River 20, Violent Seas 30)

You attempt to Swim up to half your Speed (minimum 5ft). You can hold your breath a number of Rounds equal to your STR. On a Failure you sink 10ft. If you are carrying more than half you max Bulk roll with Disadvantage. If you are holding a particularly buoyant Object you may roll with Advantage unless diving deeper, and Move at a quarter your Speed instead. If you are carrying more Bulk than your Carrying Capacity roll with Disadvantage.



DC = Mental Defense of nearby Creatures-(Distance/10)

You attempt to Conceal an Object so that it will remain unseen. You must have a way of hiding the Object (camouflaging a Trap, hiding a Light Weapon up your sleeve, etc. This may be difficult for Large Objects.). On a failure the Creature notices the true nature of the Object. Your roll is compared to each nearby Creature to determine your success against that Creature. If you have time and materials to hide the Object particularly well you may roll with Advantage. If the Object is hard to Disguise you roll with Disadvantage.



DC = Mental Defense of nearby Creatures-(Distance/10)

You Move up to half your Speed. On a success if you are Concealed you become Hidden or if you are Undetected you remain Undetected. On a failure you are no longer Undetected or Hidden (but may still have concealment), Creatures nearby are aware of your presence. Your roll is compared to each nearby Creature to determine your success against that Creature. If you are particularly close to a Creature roll against them with Disadvantage. If you are far away form nearby Creatures roll with Advantage.



DC = Mental Defense of nearby Creatures-(Distance/10)

You attempt to steal or leave an unattended Object without anyone noticing. On a failure the Creature notices what you are trying to do before you are able to Swipe the Object. Your roll is compared to each nearby Creature to determine your success against that Creature. If you are being watched roll with Disadvantage. If you are Hidden you may roll with Advantage.



DC = Mental Defense of target - Relationship modifier

You attempt to Encourage someone to do something by offering something they want. On a failure they do not do as you ask, but still take what you offer. Depending on how badly the person wants the thing you are offering or how important the ting you want is you may be given Advantage or Disadvantage, or not be able to roll at all.



DC = Mental Defense of target - Relationship modifier

You tell Lie you can support with evidence. On a failure they do not believe you, which may impact your Relationship. If the target wants to believe your Lie, or it is a Lie by omission you may roll with Advantage. If your Lie is particularly bold or goes against the targets beliefs you roll with Disadvantage. Depending how compelling your evidence is you may be given Advantage or Disadvantage, or not be able to roll at all.



DC = Mental Defense of target - Relationship modifier

You attempt to get someone to do something by threatening them. Regardless of success attempting this worsens your Relationship with them. On a failure they do not do as you ask. Depending on the context of the situation (like one of you recently doing something particularly dramatic and frightening, or asking them to do something they would be willing to fight you over) you may be given Advantage or Disadvantage, or not be able to roll at all.



DC = 10-30 (Obvious Physical Evidence 10, Subtle Physical Evidence 20, Imperceptible Physical Evidence 30)

You specify a piece of evidence and ask a question. On a success you are answered that question to the best degree the evidence could provide. On a failure you cannot use that evidence to ask any more questions.



DC = 20+Objects Level

You attempt to temporarily disable or interact with a mechanical device like a lock or Trap. On a failure you trigger the Trap on yourself or jam the lock.



DC = 15+Level of Creature

You attempt to Heal a Creatures wounds. On a success you remove the Bleeding condition from a Creature and it gains 1d6 HP. On a Critical Success the Creature gains 2d6 instead.


Loyal8A loyal creature will go great lengths to help you, even at personal cost. Usually only family or close friends are loyal.
Friendly4A friendly creature will fight with you or work to help you as long as it does not seriously endanger them. Strangers are almost never friendly without good reason.
Warm2A warm creature likes you, but won't go out of it's way to help you. Acquaintances and some strangers are warm.
Neutral0A neutral creature doesn't know you or care much for you in either direction. Most strangers are neutral
Cold-2A cold creature dislikes you, but won't go out of it's way to hurt you. Acquaintances and some strangers are cold.
Hostile-4A hostile creature will fight you or work against you as long as it does not seriously endanger them. Strangers are almost never hostile without good reason.
Hateful-8A hateful creature will go great lengths to hurt you, even at personal cost. Usually only long standing enemies are hateful.

Changing Relationships

Generally a Creatures Relationship with you should be one that is best reflected by the interactions you have had. This may mean that the context of the interaction and the personal Goals and beliefs of the Creature may substantially alter the Relationship.

For example attacking someone's Ally with lethal force would normally bring your Relationship with them to Hostile (eventually fading to Cold), but if the Ally you attacked was someone they were especially close with it might have a more extreme Effect. This might mean that they become Hateful to you temporarily, or even that you anger them so much they are permanently Hateful towards you.

Generally only the most extreme Actions in either direction in an interaction count towards changing a Relationship. This means that while saving someone's life will greatly increase their attitude towards you a successful persuasion Check will not increase it further. However Actions in opposite directions will reduce the Effect or cancel out leaving the Creature with a conflicted opinion of you and a less extreme opinion.

Improving Relationships

A successful persuasion Check with the Goal of improving the Relationship will increase the Relationship by 1 step.

Putting yourself in danger to help someone will often increase the Relationship by 3 steps.

Helping someone will often increase the Relationship by 2 steps.

Putting yourself in danger to help someones Allies will often increase the Relationship by 2 steps.

Helping someone's Allies will often increase the Relationship by 1 step.

Worsening Relationships

Intimidation Checks will worsen a Relationship by 1 step whether they succeed or fail

Attacking someone with lethal force will often worsen the Relationship by 3 steps

Attacking someone with nonlethal force will often worsen the Relationship by 2 steps

Attacking someone's Allies with lethal force will often worsen the Relationship by 2 steps

Attacking someone's Allies with nonlethal force will often worsen the Relationship by 1 step

If not strengthened Relationships tend to diminish over time. A merchant might be Warm with you today, but not remember you tomorrow. Someone who is Hostile towards you in a fist fight might only be Cold towards you a week later. However the stronger a Relationship is, and the more frequently it is maintained the longer it will last. Loyal and Hateful Relationships can take a particularly long time to fade. Generally a Relationship will diminish by 1 step a few days after an interaction, and then more slowly after that.

Example: You see merchant "A" arguing in a market with Thug "B" surrounded by a Small group of onlookers. As you approach things come to blows and Jump in to defend mechant "A" who was attacked. Merchant "A" will be Friendly towards you for coming to their aid, and some of the surrounding merchants may be Warm towards you as well for helping their colleague. Thug "B" will be Hostile to you as you begin fighting, and the other thugs will be Cold to you. Since the other thugs are only Cold towards you they will probably not put themselves in danger to hurt you, but may put themselves in harms way to protect Thug "B" who they are Friendly with. This may mean that they try and Break up the fight and pull their friend to safety, or that things escalate and they Jump in the fight to help him. Assuming you are able to end the fight without further escalation it is unlikely that they will Attack you, however if you begin attacking them as well in the fight or escalate the fight in another way they may become Hostile to you. These Relationships will continue on after the fight ends. For the next few days the other merchants might give you slightly better deals, or the thugs might watch you suspiciously, but after a few days most people will forget a relatively minor confrontation. People who were directly involved in the confrontation like Merchant "A" and Thug "B" will likely remember this event longer. Merchant "A" might give you a good discount for a period of time, but even as the Relationship diminishes to Warm over time will still be thankful for your help. Similarly Thug "B" may try and get some Small revenge against you in the future, but even after that may hold a grudge for a long time.