

Using Factions

Factions represent the groups of interest in your game. There may be a Faction for an encroaching monster hoard, an evil Necromancer, a criminal organization, or even Allies like an order of knights.

Most campaigns should have between 3 and 5 Factions with the majority working against the players.

These Factions should be roughly the Level you want the party to be at the end of the campaign.

Each of these Large Factions will have smaller Factions within them. Often the party will interact with these Sub Factions first.


Factions have a Level from 1 to 10 representing their Power.

Factions have a Goal, a Belief, and a Type.

A Factions Goal is the major thing they are working toward.

A Factions Belief outlines their general outlook on the world.

A Factions Type defines what how it interacts with its surroundings.

Factions are made up of important NPCs and smaller Factions. A leader of a Faction can't be a higher Level than the Faction.

It is often best to leave some parts of a Faction less defined that others so that they can be fitted to the campaign as you play.

Sub Factions, if Large enough, often act as Factions in their own right, having their own leaders and Sub Factions.

Factions are usually Friendly to their Sub Factions, and Warm to any Factions below them.

Sub Factions are usually Loyal to the Factions they are part of, and also have similar Relationships to other Factions as the Faction they are part of, but may have different Relationships based on their own personal interactions with other Factions.

A Factions Relationship with the party is Determined by the parties Actions, much like NPCs Relationships with the party.

A Faction loses a Level if it's leader is defeated, or it loses 2 direct conflicts without using a Gain Power Action.

A Faction losing a Level often means that some members of the Faction leave. This may also reduce the Level of it's Sub Factions and even important NPCs like the Factions leader.


A Factions Goal represents a major milestone for the Faction.

When a Faction achieves its Goal it increases in Level.

If a Sub Faction increases in Level enough it may increase the Level of the larger Faction as well.

When a fraction increases in Level it may increase the Level of its NPCs or recruit more members. This may mean that it's Sub Factions also increase in Level.

Each Goal has 3-5 steps that must be completed before it can be achieved.

The more powerful the Faction and the more ambitious the Goal, the longer it takes for the steps to be completed.

Small Factions may complete one, or even 2 steps towards their Goal in a session.

Important Factions Goals are much harder to complete and may even assign the steps towards their Goal as Goals for their Sub Factions.

The party may prevent Factions from achieving their Goals through their Actions. This often worsens the parties Relationship with the Faction.

The party can also help Factions achieve their Goals. This often increases the parties Relationship with the Faction.


A Factions Belief represents the core motivations of the Faction.

outlines their general attitude towards the world around them.

This Belief will help to outline their general attitude towards the world around them and color their interactions with the party and other Factions,

Beliefs may be general like "We are the toughest warriors" or "Any money we can take is ours", or more specific, like "Arandris is the rightful king" or "The people of the third ward are under our protection"


Every Faction has a Type that determines what kind of Actions they might take.

A Factions Type is often based on the NPCs and Sub Factions that comprise it. It is important to note that Sub Factions do not always need to be of the same Type as the main Faction.

Each Faction has 5 kinds of Actions they might take while working towards their Goal, but how these Actions work depend on the Factions Type.

Attack - A violent confrontation involving a group at least as Large as the Minimum Encounter XP for the Faction

Diplomacy - A nonviolent method of getting what they want from other Factions and Characters

Gain Power - A way of gaining new members

Gain Information - A way of gathering new information

Unique Ability - An Action unique to them that emphasises their strengths

When making a Faction choose one of each Type of Action (or make a similar one). Under normal circumstances this represents how the Faction will use that Action. Under extreme circumstances a Faction may act differently.


When one Faction Attacks another the winner is the higher Level Faction. If they are the same Level the winner is Determined at random. Factions often Attack smaller Sub Factions of their Enemies rather than attacking directly. The exact Effect of an Attack are Determined by the Type of Action.

Attack with Strength - Attack with brute force, fighting head on whenever possible.

Attack with Speed - Attack suddenly and without warning.

Attack with Precision - Attack the intended target with timing and accuracy.

Attack with Stealth - Attack using Cover and surprise to catch Enemies unprepared.

Attack with Magic - Attack using Spells and powerful magic.

Attack with Support - Attack with multiple groups coordinating with each other.

Attack with Determination - Attack with unquenchable resolve, never surrendering or retreating out of fear.

Attack with a Plan - Attack with a complicated plan that uses your resources to maximum Effect.


Diplomacy is used as a nonviolent way of interacting with other Factions. The exact Effects, and Effects on Relationships, depend on the Type of Action.

Negotiate - Form an agreement exchanging resources for what you want.

Threaten - Demand what you want, promising violence if not satisfied.

Trick - Play your Enemies against each other to get what you want.

Blackmail - Use information you have to threaten them into giving you what you want.

Bribe - Buy the loyalty of an individual who can get you what you want.

Influence - Use clout and social capital to get what you want.

Charm - Use magic to manipulate others into giving you what you want.

Convince - Make an argument that what you want is best for both parties.

Gain Power

Gain Power is used to gather new members of a Faction. This is done when a Faction increases in Level or after loosing a violent conflict to regain its Strength. If it loses a second conflict before it can do this the Faction loses a Level.

Recruit - Convince more to join your ranks

Hire - Employ additional people

Convert - Persuade others to join your cause

Induct - You admit new members into your organization

Conscript - Force others to serve you

Spawn - Create new Creatures to serve you

Gather Information

Factions often need to gather information to determine the best way to approach their Goals or deal with other Factions. The exact information gathered will depend on what Action is used.

Ransack - Search an Area they destroy anything in your way leaving a clear trail, but often finding things that were well Hidden.

Spy - Spy on a target and learn about their current activities.

Scrying - Use magical portals and runes to watch your Enemies.

Investigate - Meticulously to follow every lead and leave no stone unturned.

Interrogate - Question a captive for information.

Ask Around - Carefully monitor rumors to learn what is happening.

Omen - Use visions of Oracles to learn what the future might hold.

Unique Abilities

Unique abilities are often related to a Factions beliefs: thieves steal, inventors build, guards defend.

Steal - Take something and hide it.

Spread Rumors - Quickly spread information, true or otherwise.

Disappear - Make your organization hard to find.

Defend - Bolster your defenses against future Attacks. (counting as 1 Level higher the next time your Faction is attacked)

Build - Make something new to help you achieve your Goals.

Massacre - After successfully attacking another Faction you hunt down any survivors. (This counts as an automatically successful second Attack and reduces the other Factions Level.)

Mercy - After defeating an Enemy Faction in conflict you may show Mercy on them, improving their Relationship with you by 1 step.

Faction LevelTotal XPMinimum Encounter XP


Loyal - A Loyal Creature will go great lengths to help you, even at personal cost. Usually only family or close friends are Loyal.

Friendly - A Friendly Creature will fight with you or work to help you as long as it does not seriously endanger them. Strangers are almost never Friendly without good reason.

Warm - A Warm Creature likes you, but won't go out of it's way to help you. Acquaintances and some strangers are Warm.

Neutral - A Neutral Creature doesn't know you or care much for you in either direction. Most strangers are Neutral

Cold - A Cold Creature dislikes you, but won't go out of it's way to hurt you. Acquaintances and some strangers are Cold.

Hostile - A Hostile Creature will fight you or work against you as long as it does not seriously endanger them. Strangers are almost never Hostile without good reason.

Hateful - A Hateful Creature will go great lengths to hurt you, even at personal cost. Usually only long standing Enemies are Hateful.

Improving Relationships

A successful persuasion Check with the Goal of improving the Relationship will increase the Relationship by 1 step.

Putting yourself in danger to help a Faction in a meaningful way will often increase the Relationship by 3 steps.

Helping a Faction in a meaningful way will often increase the Relationship by 2 steps.

Putting yourself in danger to help a Faction's Sub Faction or Ally in a meaningful way will often increase the Relationship by 2 steps.

Helping a Faction's Sub Faction or Ally in a meaningful way will often increase the Relationship by 1 step.

Worsening Relationships

Intimidation Checks will worsen a Relationship by 1 step whether they succeed or fail

Attacking someone with lethal force will often worsen the Relationship by 3 steps

Attacking someone with nonlethal force will often worsen the Relationship by 2 steps

Attacking someone's Allies with lethal force will often worsen the Relationship by 2 steps

Attacking someone's Allies with nonlethal force will often worsen the Relationship by 1 step

Relationships Over Time

If not strengthened Relationships tend to diminish over time. Generally a Relationship will diminish by 1 step a few days after an interaction, and then more slowly after that.


This example shows the complete composition of the Elrand Crime Family, Level 5 Faction consisting of several dozen NPCs divided into numerous Sub Factions.

NameElrand Crime Family (Level 5 Faction)The Elrand Crime Family is a level 5 Faction
GoalExpand the CasinoTheir Goal is to expand the Casino
Step 1Drive the surrounding businesses outTo achieve their goal they must complete these steps
Step 2Claim their property
Step 3Build an expansion onto the Casino
BeliefThe law is a suggestion when money is at stake.Their Belief is used to give context to the way they interact
TypeCriminal OrganizationThey are a criminal organization. We picked 5 actions that best represented their tactics.
AttackAttack with Precision
Gain PowerHire
Gather InformationAsk Around
Unique AbilityDisappear
LeaderJohann Elrand (Level 5 NPC)Johann is the Factions leader
Sub FactionCather's Casino (Level 4 Faction)Cather's Casino is the sub faction that operates the casino. We'll leave this blank until the players need to interact with them
Sub FactionElrik's Band (Level 3 Faction)Elrik's Band is the sub faction that works on the streets. We'll make this faction since the players will interact with them first.
RelationshipsHostile to the Bertrude Crime FamilyThey're Hostile towards an enemy crime family
Loyal to Cather's CasinoThey are especially Loyal to the Cather's Casino Sub Faction since it is their main revenue
Friendly to Elrik's BandThey are Friendly to the Elrik's Band Sub Faction

One of the Sub Factions mentioned above is Elrik's Band. This shows what Elrik's band might look like.

NameElrik's Band (Level 3 Faction)Elrik's Band is a level 3 Faction
GoalDrive the surrounding businesses outTheir Goal is to drive out the surrounding businesses. You'll note this is the first goal of the Elrand Crime Family, and were likely assigned this task by Johann.
Step 1Clear out the North SideTo achieve their goal they must complete these steps
Step 2Clear out the West End
Step 3Clear out the Riverside
BeliefThis is our turf. Do as we say or leave.Their Belief is used to give context to the way they interact
TypeBand of ThugsThey are a band of thugs. We picked 5 actions that best represented their tactics. You'll note these are not the same as the actions for the Elrand Crime Family as a whole.
AttackAttack with Support
Gain PowerRecruit
Gather InformationRansack
Unique AbilitySteal
LeaderElrik Elrand (Level 3 NPC)Elrik is the Factions leader
Sub FactionNorth Side Thug Squad (Level 1 Faction)This Sub Faction has been assigned the businesses on the north side. Since the players are there we'll make this faction.
Sub FactionWest End Thug Squad (Level 1 Faction)This Sub Faction has been assigned the businesses on the west end. We'll leave them blank for now.
Sub FactionRiverside Thug Squad (Level 1 Faction)This Sub Faction has been assigned the businesses on the river side. We'll leave them blank for now.
RelationshipsLoyal to the Elrand Crime FamilyThey are Loyal to the Elrand Crime Family
Hostile to the Bertrude Crime FamilyThey're Hostile towards an enemy crime family, and will attack them on sight.
Friendly to Cather's CasinoThey are Friendly to the Cather's Casino Sub Faction
Cold to the shops around the CasinoThey are cold to the shops they need to clear out, but wont attack on sight

The smallest Sub Faction of the Elrand crime family might be one of the thug squads under Elrik Elrand.

NameNorth Side Thug Squad (Level 1 Faction)The North Side Thug Squad is a level 1 Faction
GoalClear out the North SideTheir Goal is to clear out the north side. You'll note this is the first goal of Elrik's Band, and were likely assigned this task by Elrik.
Step 1Clear out the butchershopTo achieve their goal they must complete these steps
Step 2Clear out the bakery
BeliefWe solve our problems with our fists.Their Belief is used to give context to the way they interact
TypeGoon squadThey are a goon squad. We picked 5 actions that best represented their tactics.
AttackAttack with Strength
Gain PowerRecruit
Gather InformationRansack
Unique AbilityDisappear
LeaderThug 1 (level 1 NPC)Thug 1 is the Factions leader but is no stronger than the other thugs.
MemberThug 2 (level 1 NPC)There are 3 other thugs in this faction.
MemberThug 3 (level 1 NPC)
MemberThug 4 (level 1 NPC)
RelationshipsLoyal to the Elrand Crime FamilyThey are Loyal to the Elrand Crime Family.
Loyal to Elrik's BandThey are Loyal to Elrik's Band.
Cold to the Bertrude Crime FamilyThey're Cold towards an enemy crime family, but won't attack unless they have support of the rest of Elrik's Band.
Friendly to Cather's CasinoThey are Friendly to the Cather's Casino Sub Faction.
Hostile to the ButchershopThey are Hostile to the shops they need to push out of the area.
Hostile to the BakeryThey are Hostile to the shops they need to push out of the area.

As you can see even the smallest Sub Faction can have its own identity while still being part of the larger whole. This system of Factions and Sub Factions also allows NPCs in the game to scale in Power with the party. Early on players may interact with some low Level thugs in the North Side Thug Squad only to later see them again as part of Erlik's Band. They may even see specific individuals rise through the ranks of an organization.

This also allows players to interact and even fight against Factions much larger than themselves. A group of low Level characters likely won't be able to contend with Johann Elrand or the full might of the Elrand Crime Family, but they might me able to halt their plans by preventing the North Side Thugs from clearing out the Area.

It is important to remember that these rules are here only to help you as a GM. You do not need to use them if they do not fit the campaign you are trying to run, or may choose to only use parts of the Faction rules as you see fit.