

This page includes several examples of Weapons, Armor, and other Gear you might have. You are not limited to what is presented here. This is merely to serve as a point of comparison and inspiration

Cost is Determined by Durability and the items Level (Usually Determined by Size). Items can be made more durable by paying for stronger Material, or cheaper by using weaker Material. Items can also be made of expensive materials that serve no functional purpose, but greatly increase their value. Weapons, Armor and Gear listed are for Medium Creatures, larger or smaller Creatures will need Gear sized for them (this halves or doubles the price and HP of the item for every Size down or up the Creature is).

Possible Tags listed for Weapons and Armor give examples of some of the Tags that might be appropriate for that Type of Weapon, but you are not restricted to those listed.


Weapons are used for melee and Ranged Attacks. The Size and Tag of a Weapon determine it's Damage and abilities. Each Weapon has 1 Tag, but can have up to 3 with "Expert Training". If you are Untrained with a Weapon you must make Attack rolls with it at Disadvantage. (Damage listed is based on the recommended Tag, and may be different based on the Feats of the wielder) Weapons can also be designed using the rules found on the Objects page.

NameTypeMelee/RangedTagDamageDurabilityHPBulkOther Possible TagsCost
BolasLightMeleeThrowing (The weapon can be thrown with a 20ft range increment.)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)360Entangling, Tripping0.15
BoomerangLightMeleeThrowing (The weapon can be thrown with a 20ft range increment.)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)360Returning0.15
Brass KnucklesLightMeleeBig (increase die size of the weapon by one step)d8+1/3 (STR+Level)480Grasping, Paired0.2
DaggerLightMeleePiercing (You reduce the amount you need to exceed the enemies Physical Defense on an attack to score a critical hit by 1)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)5100Throwing, Backstabbing, Paired, Silent0.25
GauntletLightMeleeGrasping (You can act as if you had a free hand)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)480Disarming, Piercing0.2
KukriLightMeleeBackstabbing (You do an additional 2 damage when you hit an enemy you are flanking)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)5100Slashing0.25
NunchakuLightMeleeSwinging (You deal an additional 2 damage with this weapon if you missed an attack with it on the previous action)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)480Big, Disarming0.2
SapLightMeleeNonlethal (When you make an attack with this weapon that would bring a creatures HP below 0 you may have it fall Unconscious instead of dealing damage to it.)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)480Big, Silent0.2
ShivLightMeleeBackstabbing (You do an additional 2 damage when you hit an enemy you are flanking)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)240Piercing0.1
ShortswordLightMeleePiercing (You reduce the amount you need to exceed the enemies Physical Defense on an attack to score a critical hit by 1)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)5100Slashing, Paired0.25
Small AxeLightMeleeThrowing (The weapon can be thrown with a 20ft range increment.)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)5100Slashing, Disarming, Paired0.25
Small ClubLightMeleeBig (increase die size of the weapon by one step)d8+1/3 (STR+Level)240Throwing0.1
Small PistolLightRangedLoading (10 shots)d6+1480Paired, Piercing0.2
Spring Loaded BladeLightMeleeDisguised (the weapon is made to look like something else. You have advantage when attempting to Conceal this weapon. You have advantage on attacks made with this weapon against creatures that don't know it's true nature.)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)480Piercing, Silent, Backstabbing0.2
WhipLightMeleeLong (Your reach increases by 5ft)d6+1/3 (STR+Level)360Tripping, Entangling0.15
AxeMediumMeleeSlashing (You gain a +1 bonus on an attack if you already hit a different adjacent enemy this turn)d8+2/3 (STR+Level)5201Disarming0.5
ClubMediumMeleeBig (increase die size of the weapon by one step)d10+2/3 (STR+Level)281Swinging, Disguised, Nonlethal0.2
FlailMediumMeleeSwinging (You deal an additional 2 damage with this weapon if you missed an attack with it on the previous action)d8+2/3 (STR+Level)4161Big, Piercing0.4
HammerMediumMeleeBig (increase die size of the weapon by one step)d10+2/3 (STR+Level)5201Swinging0.5
Large PistolMediumRangedLoading (5 shots)d8+2+1/3 (STR+Level)4161Piercing, Aiming0.4
PickMediumMeleePiercing (You reduce the amount you need to exceed the enemies Physical Defense on an attack to score a critical hit by 1)d8+2/3 (STR+Level)5201Backstabbing0.5
RapierMediumMeleePiercing (You reduce the amount you need to exceed the enemies Physical Defense on an attack to score a critical hit by 1)d8+2/3 (STR+Level)4161Disarming0.4
SpearMediumMeleePiercing (You reduce the amount you need to exceed the enemies Physical Defense on an attack to score a critical hit by 1)d8+2/3 (STR+Level)4161Throwing, Aiming0.4
SwordMediumMeleeSlashing (You gain a +1 bonus on an attack if you already hit a different adjacent enemy this turn)d8+2/3 (STR+Level)5201Piercing0.5
Sword caneMediumMeleeDisguised (the weapon is made to look like something else. You have advantage when attempting to Conceal this weapon. You have advantage on attacks made with this weapon against creatures that don't know it's true nature.)d8+2/3 (STR+Level)4161Slashing, Piercing0.4
TorchMediumMeleeFlaming (The weapons damage dice deals Fire damage instead of physical damage (the bonus damage from STR is still physical))d8+2/3 (STR+Level)3121Big0.3
TridentMediumMeleeThrowing (The weapon can be thrown with a 20ft range increment.)d8+2/3 (STR+Level)4161Piercing0.4
Bastard SwordHeavyMeleeHand and a Half (This weapon can be used as a Heavy Weapon or a Medium Weapon.)d10+(STR+Level)5402Slashing, Piercing1
BowHeavyRangedPiercingd10+2/3 (STR+Level)3242Aiming, Piercing, Long Ranged0.6
Great AxeHeavyMeleeSlashing (You gain a +1 bonus on an attack if you already hit a different adjacent enemy this turn)d10+(STR+Level)5402Swinging1
Great SwordHeavyMeleeSlashing (You gain a +1 bonus on an attack if you already hit a different adjacent enemy this turn)d10+(STR+Level)5402Piercing1
HalberdHeavyMeleeLong (Your reach increases by 5ft)d10+(STR+Level)4322Slashing, Tripping0.8
LanceHeavyMeleeHand and a Half (This weapon can be used as a Heavy Weapon or a Medium Weapon.)d10+(STR+Level)3242Long, Braced, Piercing0.6
LongspearHeavyMeleeLong (Your reach increases by 5ft)d10+(STR+Level)3242Piercing, Aiming, Braced, Agile0.6
PickaxeHeavyMeleePiercing (You reduce the amount you need to exceed the enemies Physical Defense on an attack to score a critical hit by 1)d10+(STR+Level)5402Swinging, Backstabbing1
QuarterstaffHeavyMeleeDouble (This weapon can be used as a Heavy Weapon or two Light weapons.)d10+(STR+Level)2162Long, Big0.4
RifleHeavyRangedLong Rangedd10+2/3 (STR+Level)4322Aiming, Piercing, Loading (1), Loading (10)0.8
ShotgunHeavyRangedLoading (2)d10+5+2/3 (STR+Level)4322Big, Hand and a Half0.8
WarhammerHeavyMeleeBig (increase die size of the weapon by one step)d12+(STR+Level)5402Swinging1


Armor is used to increase your Physical Defense. The Type and Tag of Armor determine it's Armor Bonus and abilities. Each Armor has 1 Tag, but can have up to 3 with "Expert Training". (Durability and HP listed is based on the recommended Tag) Armor can also be designed using the rules found on the Objects page.

NameTypeArmor/Shield BonusMax DexStr ReqRecommended TagsDurabilityHPBulkOther Possible TagsCost
Padded ClothLight193Mobile (The Max Dex of the Armor is treated is 1 higher than normal)141Cold Resistant, Silent0.1
Hide ArmorLight183Electricity Resistant (Gain 10 points of resistance to electricity damage (Resist Electricity 10))281Acid Resistant, Spiked0.2
Studded LeatherLight183Cleated (You gain a +1 bonus on opposed melee attack rolls to push)3121Cleated, Slippery0.3
Chain ShirtLight183Fire Resistant (Gain 10 points of resistance to fire damage (Resist Fire 10))4161Mobile, Hard0.4
Armored CoatMedium265Cold Resistant (Gain 10 points of resistance to cold damage (Resist Cold 10))2162Silent, Thick0.4
Chain MailMedium265Fire Resistant (Gain 10 points of resistance to fire damage (Resist Fire 10))4322Mobile, Hard0.8
Scale MailMedium265Spiked (This can be used as a light weapon and instead gains an appropriate weapon tag.)3242Cleated0.6
BreastplateMedium265Hard (The armors Durability increases by 1 making it harder to break and increasing its HP)6 (7)48 (56)2Fire Resistant, Slippery1.2
Banded MailHeavy347Thick (You gain one point of resistance to all damage (Resist All 1).)4643Hard, Fire Resistant1.6
Splint MailHeavy347Spiked (This can be used as a light weapon and instead gains an appropriate weapon tag.)3483Cleated, Thick1.2
Full PlateHeavy347Hard (The armors Durability increases by 1 making it harder to break and increasing its HP)6 (7)96 (112)3Thick, Spiked2.4
Wood ShieldShield193Thick (You gain one point of resistance to all damage (Resist All 1).)3121Spiked, Electricity Resistant0.3
Steel ShieldShield193Hard (The armors Durability increases by 1 making it harder to break and increasing its HP)7 (8)28 (32)1Spiked, Fire Resistant0.7


Gear includes all mundane items you might Encounter. These items can have practical or decorative uses on their own, but can also be enchanted or used as improvised Weapons (improvised Weapons are generally considered to be Light, Medium, or heavy based on their Size, and have no Tags). Gear can also be designed using the rules found on the Objects page.

Chain (10ft)52010.5
Flint and Steel4400.1
Grappling Hook51000.25
Ladder (10ft)32420.6
Lock (DC 21)4400.1
Lock (DC 24)7721.4
Lock (DC 28)1010632
Lookout Stand319254.8
Manacles (DC 22)4800.2
Manacles (DC 24)71421.4
Manacles (DC 26)102048
Medium Chest (DC 25 Lock)46431.6
Potion Vial (empty)2200.05
Rope (50ft)1410.1
Small Chest (DC 24 Lock)43220.8
Small Keep51280732
Smith's Hammer52010.5


Bombs are Diminutive items and treated as Light Weapons with the throwing Tag, except instead of dealing the normal Damage to a target they Attack all Creatures in an Area for their listed Damage (separate Attack rolls). Bombs use Ranged Attack rolls but are treated as Area Spells for determining Advantage and targets. Different types of Bombs can deal elemental Damage, create smoke, Difficult Terrain, or temporarily blind Enemies. (Bombs can not benefit from Feats or Tags that increase their Damage) Bombs can also be designed using the rules found on the Objects page.

NameDamageBlast DiameterBulkCost
Basic Bomb 11d1015ft00.2
Basic Bomb 22d1015ft00.4
Basic Bomb 33d1025ft00.8
Basic Bomb 44d1025ft01.6
Basic Bomb 55d1035ft03.2
Basic Bomb 66d1035ft06.4
Basic Bomb 77d1045ft012.8
Basic Bomb 88d1045ft025.6
Basic Bomb 99d1055ft051.2
Basic Bomb 1010d1055ft0102.4
Entangling Bomb 10, DC 21 to escape15ft00.2
Entangling Bomb 20, DC 22 to escape15ft00.4
Entangling Bomb 30, DC 23 to escape25ft00.8
Entangling Bomb 40, DC 24 to escape25ft01.6
Entangling Bomb 50, DC 25 to escape35ft03.2
Entangling Bomb 60, DC 26 to escape35ft06.4
Entangling Bomb 70, DC 27 to escape45ft012.8
Entangling Bomb 80, DC 28 to escape45ft025.6
Entangling Bomb 90, DC 29 to escape55ft051.2
Entangling Bomb 100, DC 30 to escape55ft0102.4
FlashBang Bomb 10, Blind creatures under 10HP for 1 round15ft00.2
FlashBang Bomb 20, Blind creatures under 20HP for 1 round15ft00.4
FlashBang Bomb 30, Blind creatures under 30HP for 1 round25ft00.8
FlashBang Bomb 41d10, Blind creatures under 40HP for 1 round25ft01.6
FlashBang Bomb 52d10, Blind creatures under 50HP for 1 round35ft03.2
FlashBang Bomb 63d10, Blind creatures under 60HP for 1 round35ft06.4
FlashBang Bomb 74d10, Blind creatures under 70HP for 1 round45ft012.8
FlashBang Bomb 85d10, Blind creatures under 80HP for 1 round45ft025.6
FlashBang Bomb 96d10, Blind creatures under 90HP for 1 round55ft051.2
FlashBang Bomb 107d10, Blind creatures under 10.0HP for 1 round55ft0102.4
Smoke Bomb 10, Create a thick smoke cloud in the area15ft00.2
Smoke Bomb 21d10, Create a thick smoke cloud in the area15ft00.4
Smoke Bomb 32d10, Create a thick smoke cloud in the area25ft00.8
Smoke Bomb 43d10, Create a thick smoke cloud in the area25ft01.6
Smoke Bomb 54d10, Create a thick smoke cloud in the area35ft03.2
Smoke Bomb 65d10, Create a thick smoke cloud in the area35ft06.4
Smoke Bomb 76d10, Create a thick smoke cloud in the area45ft012.8
Smoke Bomb 87d10, Create a thick smoke cloud in the area45ft025.6
Smoke Bomb 98d10, Create a thick smoke cloud in the area55ft051.2
Smoke Bomb 109d10, Create a thick smoke cloud in the area55ft0102.4
Explosive Ammunition 11d105ft00.2
Explosive Ammunition 22d1015ft00.4
Explosive Ammunition 33d1015ft00.8
Explosive Ammunition 44d1025ft01.6
Explosive Ammunition 55d1025ft03.2
Explosive Ammunition 66d1035ft06.4
Explosive Ammunition 77d1035ft012.8
Explosive Ammunition 88d1045ft025.6
Explosive Ammunition 99d1045ft051.2
Explosive Ammunition 1010d1055ft0102.4


Poisons are applied to Weapons as an Action or ingested to cause continuous negative Effects. Poisons affect the Creature each Round for 10 Rounds after the onset. Potions can also be designed using the rules found on the Objects page.

Basic Poison 11d600.2
Basic Poison 22d600.4
Basic Poison 33d600.8
Basic Poison 44d601.6
Basic Poison 55d603.2
Basic Poison 66d606.4
Basic Poison 77d6012.8
Basic Poison 88d6025.6
Basic Poison 99d6051.2
Basic Poison 1010d60102.4
Delayed Poison 12d6, 1 hour onset00.2
Delayed Poison 23d6, 1 hour onset00.4
Delayed Poison 34d6, 1 hour onset00.8
Delayed Poison 45d6, 1 hour onset01.6
Delayed Poison 56d6, 1 hour onset03.2
Delayed Poison 67d6, 1 hour onset06.4
Delayed Poison 78d6, 1 hour onset012.8
Delayed Poison 89d6, 1 hour onset025.6
Delayed Poison 910d6, 1 hour onset051.2
Delayed Poison 1011d6, 1 hour onset0102.4
Knockout Poison 1-00.2
Knockout Poison 21d6, if this damage would bring a creature's HP below 0 they are reduced to 1 HP and fall unconscious instead00.4
Knockout Poison 32d6, if this damage would bring a creature's HP below 0 they are reduced to 1 HP and fall unconscious instead00.8
Knockout Poison 43d6, if this damage would bring a creature's HP below 0 they are reduced to 1 HP and fall unconscious instead01.6
Knockout Poison 54d6, if this damage would bring a creature's HP below 0 they are reduced to 1 HP and fall unconscious instead03.2
Knockout Poison 65d6, if this damage would bring a creature's HP below 0 they are reduced to 1 HP and fall unconscious instead06.4
Knockout Poison 76d6, if this damage would bring a creature's HP below 0 they are reduced to 1 HP and fall unconscious instead012.8
Knockout Poison 87d6, if this damage would bring a creature's HP below 0 they are reduced to 1 HP and fall unconscious instead025.6
Knockout Poison 98d6, if this damage would bring a creature's HP below 0 they are reduced to 1 HP and fall unconscious instead051.2
Knockout Poison 109d6, if this damage would bring a creature's HP below 0 they are reduced to 1 HP and fall unconscious instead0102.4
Lethargy Poison 10, If the creature has less than 10HP they are also slowed00.2
Lethargy Poison 20, If the creature has less than 20HP they are also slowed00.4
Lethargy Poison 31d6, If the creature has less than 30HP they are also slowed00.8
Lethargy Poison 42d6, If the creature has less than 40HP they are also slowed01.6
Lethargy Poison 53d6, If the creature has less than 50HP they are also slowed03.2
Lethargy Poison 64d6, If the creature has less than 60HP they are also slowed06.4
Lethargy Poison 75d6, If the creature has less than 70HP they are also slowed012.8
Lethargy Poison 86d6, If the creature has less than 80HP they are also slowed025.6
Lethargy Poison 97d6, If the creature has less than 90HP they are also slowed051.2
Lethargy Poison 108d6, If the creature has less than 100HP they are also slowed0102.4
Fear Poison 10, If the creature has less than 10HP they are also Shaken00.2
Fear Poison 20, If the creature has less than 20HP they are also Shaken00.4
Fear Poison 31d6, If the creature has less than 30HP they are also Shaken00.8
Fear Poison 42d6, If the creature has less than 40HP they are also Shaken01.6
Fear Poison 53d6, If the creature has less than 50HP they are also Shaken03.2
Fear Poison 64d6, If the creature has less than 60HP they are also Shaken06.4
Fear Poison 75d6, If the creature has less than 70HP they are also Shaken012.8
Fear Poison 86d6, If the creature has less than 80HP they are also Shaken025.6
Fear Poison 97d6, If the creature has less than 90HP they are also Shaken051.2
Fear Poison 108d6, If the creature has less than 100HP they are also Shaken0102.4


Traps are placed in an adjacent square as an Action. The next time a Creature enters the square the Trap was placed in the Trap makes an Attack roll against the Creature. The Trap can be disabled with a Tinker Skill Check before it is triggered. (If a Trap is Hidden and is triggered by an unaware Creature it acts against them as though they were Flat Footed) Traps can also be designed using the rules found on the Objects page.

NameEffectAttack BonusBulkCost
Boulder Trap 2A rock falls from up to 100 ft dealing 1d8 per 10ft210.4
Boulder Trap 4A rock falls from up to 100 ft dealing 2d8 per 10ft411.6
Boulder Trap 6A rock falls from up to 100 ft dealing 3d8 per 10ft616.4
Boulder Trap 8A rock falls from up to 100 ft dealing 4d8 per 10ft8125.6
Boulder Trap 10A rock falls from up to 100 ft dealing 5d8 per 10ft101102.4
Explosive Trap 1The trap is loaded with a bomb that is triggered, attacking all creatures in a 15ft diameter for 1d10 damage.1110.2
Explosive Trap 3The trap is loaded with a bomb that is triggered, attacking all creatures in a 25 ft diameter for 3d10 damage.1310.8
Explosive Trap 5The trap is loaded with a bomb that is triggered, attacking all creatures in a 35ft diameter for 5d10 damage.1513.2
Explosive Trap 7The trap is loaded with a bomb that is triggered, attacking all creatures in a 45ft diameter for 7d10 damage.17112.8
Explosive Trap 9The trap is loaded with a bomb that is triggered, attacking all creatures in a 55ft diameter for 9d10 damage.19151.2
Pendulum Trap 2A bladed pendulum swings down dealing 3d8 damage1210.4
Pendulum Trap 4A bladed pendulum swings down dealing 6d8 damage1411.6
Pendulum Trap 6A bladed pendulum swings down dealing 9d8 damage1616.4
Pendulum Trap 8A bladed pendulum swings down dealing 12d8 damage18125.6
Pendulum Trap 10A bladed pendulum swings down dealing 15d8 damage201102.4
Pit Trap 4A 15 ft deep pit up to 25 ft in diameter appears beneath the trap. Any creatures on the edge of this area may use a reaction to attempt to grab the edge. The walls have a climb DC of 20.1411.6
Pit Trap 8A 30 ft deep pit up to 30 ft in diameter appears beneath the trap. Any creatures on the edge of this area may use a reaction to attempt to grab the edge. The walls have a climb DC of 20.18125.6
Poison Trap 1The trap is loaded with a poison to attack the creature that triggered it. On a hit the creature is poisoned, taking 1d6 damage every round for 10 rounds.1110.2
Poison Trap 3The trap is loaded with a poison to attack the creature that triggered it. On a hit the creature is poisoned, taking 3d6 damage every round for 10 rounds.1310.8
Poison Trap 5The trap is loaded with a poison to attack the creature that triggered it. On a hit the creature is poisoned, taking 5d6 damage every round for 10 rounds.1513.2
Poison Trap 7The trap is loaded with a poison to attack the creature that triggered it. On a hit the creature is poisoned, taking 7d6 damage every round for 10 rounds.17112.8
Poison Trap 9The trap is loaded with a poison to attack the creature that triggered it. On a hit the creature is poisoned, taking 9d6 damage every round for 10 rounds.19151.2


Potions are Fine sized Objects that grant the Effects of a Spell when drunk as an Action. Potions can also be designed using the rules found on the Objects page.

NameEffectLevelBulkSpell typeCost
Potion of StabilizationYou immediately stop Bleeding10Beast Feature0.2
Potion of Healing 1Heal 1d1010Heal0.2
Potion of Acid ResistanceYou gain the effects of the Acid Resistance feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of Bird shapeTurn into a Bird for up to 1 minute20Change Shape0.4
Potion of BreathlessnessYou gain the effects of the Breathless feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of ClimbingYou gain the effects of the Climb feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of Cold ResistanceYou gain the effects of the Cold Resistance feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of Damage Resistance 1You gain the effects of the Damage Resistance 1 feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of DarkvisionYou gain the effects of the Dark Vision feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of DisguiseYour appearance changes for the next minute or until you make an attack. This potion only works on medium or smaller creatures, but more powerful versions can be made. This spell has a spell attack bonus of +10.20Conjure Illusion0.4
Potion of Dog shapeTurn into a Dog for up to 10 rounds20Change Shape0.4
Potion of Electricity ResistanceYou gain the effects of the Electricity Resistance feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of Fire ResistanceYou gain the effects of the Fire Resistance feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of FlightYou gain the effects of the Flight feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of Healing 2Heal 2d1020Heal0.4
Potion of InvisibilityYou become invisible for the next minute or until you make an attack. This potion only works on medium or smaller creatures, but more powerful versions can be made. This spell has a spell attack bonus of +10.20Conjure Illusion0.4
Potion of Staunch HealingHeal 1d10 and stop bleeding20Heal, Staunching Magic0.4
Potion of Large sizeYou gain the effects of the Large feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of Natural WeaponsYou gain the effects of the Natural Weapons feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of Poison immunityYou gain the effects of the Poison immunity feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of Small sizeYou gain the effects of the Small feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of Spider shapeTurn into a Spider for up to 10 rounds20Change Shape0.4
Potion of SwimmingYou gain the effects of the Swim feat for up to 10 rounds20Beast Feature0.4
Potion of Viper shapeTurn into a Viper for up to 10 rounds20Change Shape0.4
Potion of Acidic attacksYou gain the effects of the Acidic feat for up to 10 minutes30Beast Feature0.8
Potion of Breath weapon 1You gain the effects of the Breath weapon 1 feat for up to 10 minutes30Beast Feature0.8
Potion of BurrowingYou gain the effects of the Burrow feat for up to 10 minutes30Beast Feature0.8
Potion of Damage Resistance 2You gain the effects of the Damage Resistance 2 feat for up to 10 minutes30Beast Feature0.8
Potion of EcholocationYou gain the effects of the Echolocation feat for up to 10 minutes30Beast Feature0.8
Potion of Electric attacksYou gain the effects of the Electric feat for up to 10 minutes30Beast Feature0.8
Potion of Flaming attacksYou gain the effects of the Flaming feat for up to 10 minutes30Beast Feature0.8
Potion of Freezing attacksYou gain the effects of the Freezing feat for up to 10 minutes30Beast Feature0.8
Potion of Healing 3Heal 3d1030Heal0.8
Potion of Horse shapeTurn into a Horse for up to 10 minutes30Change Shape0.8
Potion of Monkey shapeTurn into a Monkey for up to 10 minutes30Change Shape0.8
Potion of RegenerationYou gain the effects of the Regeneration feat for up to 10 minutes30Beast Feature0.8
Potion of Tiny sizeYou gain the effects of the Tiny feat for up to 10 minutes30Beast Feature0.8
Potion of Wolf shapeTurn into a Wolf for up to 10 minutes30Change Shape0.8
Potion of Constrictor Snake shapeTurn into a Constrictor Snake for up to 100 minutes40Change Shape1.6
Potion of Giant Eagle shapeTurn into a Giant Eagle for up to 100 minutes40Change Shape1.6
Potion of Healing 4Heal 4d1040Heal1.6
Potion of Huge sizeYou gain the effects of the Huge feat for up to 100 minutes40Beast Feature1.6
Potion of IncorporealnessYou gain the effects of the Incorporeal feat for up to 100 minutes40Beast Feature1.6
Potion of Bear shapeTurn into a Grizzly Bear for up to 16 hours50Change Shape3.2
Potion of Damage Resistance 3You gain the effects of the Damage Resistance 3 feat for up to 16 hours50Beast Feature3.2
Potion of Diminutive sizeYou gain the effects of the Diminutive feat for up to 16 hours50Beast Feature3.2
Potion of Healing 5Heal 5d1050Heal3.2
Potion of Improved RegenerationYou gain the effects of the Improved Regeneration feat for up to 16 hours50Beast Feature3.2
Potion of Lion shapeTurn into a Lion for up to 16 hours50Change Shape3.2
Potion of Shark shapeTurn into a Shark for up to 16 hours50Change Shape3.2
Potion of Breath weapon 2You gain the effects of the Breath weapon 2 feat for up to week60Beast Feature6.4
Potion of Elephant shapeTurn into an Elephant for up to a week60Change Shape6.4
Potion of Gargantuan sizeYou gain the effects of the Gargantuan feat for up to week60Beast Feature6.4
Potion of Healing 6Heal 6d1060Heal6.4
Potion of Dragon shapeTurn into a Dragon for up to 2 months70Change Shape12.8
Potion of Damage Resistance 4You gain the effects of the Damage Resistance 4 feat for up to 2 months70Beast Feature12.8
Potion of Greater RegenerationYou gain the effects of the Greater Regeneration feat for up to 2 months70Beast Feature12.8
Potion of Healing 7Heal 7d1070Heal12.8
Potion of Colossal sizeYou gain the effects of the Colossal feat for up to 2 years80Beast Feature25.6
Potion of Healing 8Heal 8d1080Heal25.6


Enchanted Items allow the user to Cast a specific Spell they may not be able to normally. This still requires the caster to spend an Action to Cast or Control the Spell as well as the Energy required. Enchantments can be placed on any Gear the creator wants, the names of items listed are only examples. Enchanted Items can also be designed using the rules found on the Objects page.

NameEffectLevelSpell typeCost
Flaming SwordAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to light the sword on fire, dealing an extra 1d6 on attacks for the next minute. (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:2)3Beast Feature4
Lightning SpearAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to electrify the spear, dealing an extra 1d6 on attacks for the next minute. (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:2)3Beast Feature4
Frozen AxeAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to coat the axe in ice, dealing an extra 1d6 on attacks for the next minute. (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:2)3Beast Feature4
Corrosive ClubAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to coat the club in acid, dealing an extra 1d6 on attacks for the next minute. (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:2)3Beast Feature4
Frost CloakAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to become immune to cold damage for the next minute (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Alchemist's ClothesAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to become immune to acid damage for the next minute (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Forgemaster's ApronAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to become immune to fire damage for the next minute (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Insulated ArmorAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to become immune to electric damage for the next minute (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Diver's MaskAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to supply air to the wearer for the next minute (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Monkey's FistAllows the user to spend 3 Energy to gain a climb speed for the next minute (Beast Feature:1, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Thieves GogglesAllows the user to spend 3 Energy to see in the dark for the next minute (Beast Feature:1, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Goliath's WarhammerAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to grow to Large size for the next minute (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Horned HelmAllows the user to spend 3 Energy to grow horns (medium piercing) and claws (light paired) for the next minute (Beast Feature:1, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Sailor's TunicAllows the user to spend 3 Energy to gain a swim speed for the next minute (Beast Feature:1, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Cloak of FlightAllows the user to spend 4 Energy turning the cloak into a pair of wings for the next minute (Beast Feature:2, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:2)2Beast Feature2
Mole bracersAllows the user to spend 5 Energy to be able to burrow through the ground for the next minute (Beast Feature:3, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)3Beast Feature4
Enchanted ArmorAllows the user to spend 6 Energy to reduce all damage they take by 4 for the next 10 minutes (Beast Feature:3, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:3)3Beast Feature4
Blind Man's FoldAllows the user to spend 6 Energy to see through echolocation for the next 10 minutes (Beast Feature:3, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:3)3Beast Feature4
Troll WrapsAllows the user to spend 6 Energy to regenerate 5 HP every round for the next 10 minutes. (Beast Feature:3, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:3)3Beast Feature4
Vampiric DaggerAllows the user to spend 5 energy to spend an action to heal themselves after dealing damage for the next minute. (once per round spend an action after dealing damage to heal equal to the amount of damage dealt) (Beast Feature:3, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)3Beast Feature4
Ghost VielAllows the user to spend 6 Energy to gain the abilities of a ghost (spend 3 Energy as an action to gain Resist All 10 and incorporeal for the next round) for the next minute (Beast Feature:4, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)4Beast Feature8
Giant BootsAllows the user to spend 6 Energy to grow to Huge size for the next minute (Beast Feature:4, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)4Beast Feature8
Earing's of TelepathyAllows the user to spend 8 Energy to telepathically communicate with creatures that have been within 30 ft of them since activating the enchanted item for the next 100 minutes. It costs 1 Energy to communicate this way each round if the creature is no longer within 30ft. (Beast Feature:4, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:4)4Beast Feature8
Shield of Great DefenseAllows the user to spend 9 Energy to reduce all damage they take by 6 for the next 100 minutes (Beast Feature:5, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:4)5Beast Feature16
Shrinking RingAllows the user to spend 8 Energy to shrink to Diminutive size for the next 10 minutes (Beast Feature:5, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:3)5Beast Feature16
Immortal's CrownAllows the user to spend 10 Energy to heal 15HP every round for the next 10 minutes (Beast Feature:7, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:3)7Beast Feature64
Gauntlets of the ColossusAllows the user to spend 8 Energy to grow to Colossal size for the next minute (Beast Feature:8, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:2)8Beast Feature128
Armor of InvulnerabilityAllows the user to spend 13 Energy to reduce damage they take by 10 for the next 100 minutes. (Beast Feature:9, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:4)9Beast Feature256
Shifter's CharmAllows the user to spend 2 Energy to turn into a small rodent for the next round (Change Shape:1, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:1)1Change Shape1
Wolf CloakAllows the user to spend 6 Energy to become a wolf for the next 10 minutes (Change Shape:3, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:3)3Change Shape4
Eagle CapeAllows the user to spend 8 Energy to become a giant eagle for the next 100 minutes (Change Shape:4, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:4)4Change Shape8
Bear Fury MantleAllows the user to spend 8 Energy to become a Grizzly Bear for the next 10 minutes (Change Shape:5, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:3)5Change Shape16
Stampede GreavesAllows the user to spend 9 Energy to become an Elephant for the next 10 minutes (Change Shape:6, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:3)6Change Shape32
Dragon Form PauldronsAllows the user to spend 10 Energy to become a Dragon for the next 10 minutes (Change Shape:7, Area:N/A Range:0, Duration:3)7Change Shape64
Hypnotist's WatchAllows the user to spend 13 Energy to charm a creature within 10 ft for the next 100 minutes with a successful spell attack. If the creature has less than 80 HP they become dominated instead. (Charm:8, Area:N/A, Range:1, Duration:4)8Charm128
Merchant's RingAllows the user to spend 3 energy to attempt to charm a creature within 10ft for the next round, increasing their relationship to the caster by 2 steps. If the creature has less than 10 HP they become dominated instead. (Charm:1, Area:N/A, Range:1, Duration:1)1Charm1
Charlatan's capeAllows the user to spend 10 energy to attempt to charm a creature that they touch for the next day, increasing their relationship to the caster by 2 steps or dominate them if they have less than 50 HP. (Charm:5, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:5)5Charm16
Ring of InvisibilityAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to turn invisible for the next minute as long as they don't make an attack or cast a spell. (Conjure Illusion:2, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:2)2Conjure Illusion2
Unquenchable TorchAllows the user to spend 4 Energy to cause the torch to shed light within 20 ft for 1 minute. (Conjure Illusion:2, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:2)2Conjure Illusion2
Traveler's CloakAllows the user to spend 5 energy to conjure the illusion of a large rock 10 ft in diameter directly where they are standing for the next minute. (Conjure Illusion:3, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:2)3Conjure Illusion4
Hat of DisguiseAllows the user to spend 6 Energy to take the appearance of a specific individual (chosen when the item is made) for the next 100 minutes as long as they don't make an attack or cast a spell. (Conjure Illusion:2, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:4)4Conjure Illusion8
Wand of Acid SprayAllows the user to spend 7 Energy spray acid in a 15 ft cone dealing 3d10 acid damage for the next minute. (Evoke Acid:3, Area:2, Range:0, Duration:2)3Evoke Acid4
Caustic StaffAllows the user to spend 13 Energy spray acid in a 30 ft cone dealing 6d10 acid damage for the next minute. (Evoke Acid:6, Area:5, Range:0, Duration:2)6Evoke Acid32
Wand of Ice StormAllows the user to spend 5 Energy spray ice in a 15 ft cone dealing 3d10 cold damage. (Evoke Cold:3, Area:2, Range:0, Duration:0)3Evoke Cold4
Frost StaffAllows the user to spend 11 Energy spray ice in a 30 ft cone dealing 6d10 cold damage. (Evoke Cold:6, Area:5, Range:0, Duration:0)6Evoke Cold32
Wand of Lighting BoltAllows the user to spend 5 Energy shoot electricity in a 50 ft line dealing 3d10 electric damage. (Evoke Cold:3, Area:2, Range:0, Duration:0)3Evoke Electricity4
Storm StaffAllows the user to spend 11 Energy shoot electricity in a 120 ft line dealing 6d10 electric damage. (Evoke Cold:6, Area:5, Range:0, Duration:0)6Evoke Electricity32
Dragon's Breath AmuletAllows the user to spend 6 Energy to breath a 20ft cone of fire dealing 3d10 fire damage (Evoke Fire:3, Area:3 Range:0, Duration:0)3Evoke Fire4
Wand of FireballAllows the user to spend 9 Energy to create a 15ft diameter fireball within 1000ft that deals 3d10 fire damage with a successful spell attack. (Evoke Fire:3, Area:3, Range:3, Duration:0)3Evoke Fire4
Phoenix StaffAllows the user to spend 16 Energy to create a 35ft diameter fireball within 10,000ft that deals 6d10 fire damage with a successful spell attack. (Evoke Fire:6, Area:6, Range:4, Duration:0)6Evoke Fire32
Gorgon's HeadAllows the user to spend 18 Energy to cause enemy within 100 ft to be Slowed or Stunned depending on their HP for up to a week. The user must make a spell attack each round unless they crit. (Freeze:10, Area:N/A, Range:2, Duration:6)10Freeze512
Chronomancer WatchAllows the user to spend 8 Energy to cause enemy within 100 ft to be Slowed or Stunned depending on their HP for up to a minute. The user must make a spell attack each round unless they crit. (Freeze:4, Area:N/A, Range:2, Duration:2)4Freeze8
Glove of Lesser HealingAllows the user to spend 1 Energy and heal a creature it touches 1d10 (Heal:1, Area:0, Range:0, Duration:N/A)1Heal1
Pack Caller's StaffAllows the user to spend 8 Energy to conjure and command a wolf within 100ft for the next minute (Summon Creature:4, Area:N/A, Range:2, Duration:2)4Summon Creature8
Dragoncaller OrbAllows the user to spend 15 Energy to conjure a dragon (Level 6 beast) for the next 10 minutes under their control (Summon Creature:8, Area:N/A, Range:4, Duration:3)8Summon Creature128
Armor LocketAllows the user to spend 8 Energy to summon a breastplate (Medium armor with Hard Tag) around them and lasts for the next 100 minutes (Summon Object:4, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:4)4Summon Object8
Replicating Shield HandleAllows the user to spend 6 Energy to summon a shield (Shield with Hard Tag) in their hand that lasts for the next minute. (Summon Object:3, Area:N/A, Range:0, Duration:2)3Summon Object4
Glove of the Spectral HandAllows the user to spend 6 Energy to lift a Diminutive object within 100 ft telekinetically for the next minute. (Summon Object:2, Area:N/A, Range:2, Duration:2)2Telekinesis2
Helm of Great PowerAllows the user to spend 13 Energy to lift a Gargantuan object within 1000 ft telekinetically for the next minute. (Summon Object:8, Area:N/A, Range:3, Duration:2)8Telekinesis128
Cutpurse's CircletsAllows the user to spend 5 Energy to open a Diminutive portal to anywhere within 100 ft that they can see or have been for the next 6 seconds. (Teleportation:2, Area:N/A, Range:2, Duration:1)2Teleportation2
Gate Warden's BracersAllows the user to spend 16 Energy to open a Huge portal to anywhere within 2000 miles that they can see or have been for the next minute. (Teleportation:7, Area:N/A, Range:7, Duration:2)7Teleportation64
Great DaggerAllows the user to spend 4 energy to cause this small dagger to grow into a greatsword for the next minute (Transmute:2, Area:0, Range:0, Duration:2)2Transmute2
Miner's PickAllows the user to spend 10 Energy to reduce the hardness of all stone within 10 ft by 4 for the next 10 minutes. (Transmute:4, Area:3, Range:0, Duration:3)4Transmute8
Staff of StoneAllows the user to spend 13 Energy to create a 15ft tall stone wall 25 ft long and 5 ft thick within 100 ft of them. This wall remains for 10 minutes. (Transmute:4, Area:4, Range:2, Duration:3)4Transmute8


Trained Beasts can be purchased for the listed prices. Trained Animals are Friendly to their owners and can be commanded as an Action in most circumstances.

Carrier Pigeon1
Guard Dog2
Riding Horse4
Level 3 Beast8
Grizzly Bear16
Level 6 Beast64
Level 7 Beast128
Level 8 Beast256
Level 9 Beast512
Level 10 Beast1024


Vehicles can be purchased for the prices listed.

Level 1 Vehicle8
Level 2 Vehicle16
Level 3 Vehicle32
Level 4 Vehicle64
Level 5 Vehicle128
Level 6 Vehicle256
Level 7 Vehicle512
Level 8 Vehicle1024
Level 9 Vehicle2048
Level 10 Vehicle4096