
Spell Effects

NameShort Description
Beast Featuretarget Creature gains a Beast Feat
Change Shapetarget Creature Turns into a Beast
CharmCharm or dominate target Creature
Conjure Illusionconjure an illusion
Evoke Acidtarget Area is Damaged by acid
Evoke Coldtarget Area is Damaged by Cold
Evoke Electricitytarget Area is Damaged by electricity
Evoke Firetarget Area is Damaged by fire
FreezeSlow or stun target Creature
Healtarget Area is healed
Summon Creaturesummon a Beast
Summon Objectsummon an Object
TelekinesisMove a Creature or Object with Telekinesis
Teleportationopen a portal to another location
TransmuteChange an Object's Size, shape, and Material