

Any Creature with the "Spell Casting" Feats can Cast any Spell of a "Spell Effect" they know as an Action.

To Cast higher Level Spells Creatures need to take more "Spell Casting" Feats. To use different Effects they need to take more "Spell Effect" Feats.

Spells do not require an empty hand to Cast, but do require you to be able to Move your arms. For example you could Cast a Spell while holding a staff, but not while your hands are bound.

A Spell is composed of up to 4 components: Effect, Duration, Range, and Target. When you Cast a Spell you spend Energy on each of its components. The most expensive component determines its Level.

Effect: the Effect of the Spell is what the Spell does. For example the Evoke Fire Spell Effect is used to deal Fire Damage, the Telekinesis Spell Effect is used to lift Large Objects, and the Freeze Spell Effect is used to Slow or stun Creatures. The more Energy you spend on an Effect the more potent it is. You must always spend at least one Energy on the Effect.

Duration: the Duration of the Spell is how long it lasts. If you spend no Energy the Spell ends almost as soon as it begins (a fireball exploding, or opening a portal and quickly stepping through), but if you spend more Energy the Spell can last minutes, hours or even years. If a Spell does not list Duration as a component it can only be used with an instantaneous Duration.

Range: the Range of a Spell is how far from the caster the Effect originates and can be controlled. If the caster or Effect Move so that the Effect is out of the Spells Range it cannot be controlled by the caster until it is back within Range. If you spend no Energy the Spell can only take place within your Reach, but spending more Energy can allow the Spell to be Cast and controlled from miles away.

Area: Some Spells only target individual Creatures, but many affect all Creatures in an Area. Spells that target an Area can affect a blast, cone, or line originating from any point within the Spells Range. The more Energy you spend on a Spells target the bigger an Area it can Effect. If a Spell does not list a target as a component it can only target a single Creature (but the Effect will target that Creature regardless of where it Move or if it stays within Range). Spells that target an Area affect any Creature that was in the Area at some point on its Turn during the Duration of the Spell.

A target can only be affected by one Spell of a given Effect at any time. If a Creature is targeted by a new Spell of the same Effect the new Spell Effect replaces the original. Once the new Spells Duration ends any previous Effects may resume. (this time still counts against their Duration)

Some Spells can continue to be controlled after being Cast for their Duration. The caster can spend one Action to Control the Spell per Turn. If not controlled the Spell Effect continues for it's Duration without moving.

Spells do not require the casters to remain within Range or their concentration once Cast and will continue even if the caster dies.

You may end any Spell you've Cast as an Action

As you spend Energy to Cast Spells it is important to remember to Focus to regain Energy when possible


0Next action (instantaneous)
11 round (6 seconds)
210 rounds (1 minute)
3100 rounds (10 minutes)
41000 rounds (1.5 hours)
510000 rounds (16 hours)
6100000 rounds (1 week)
71000000 rounds (2.5 months)
810000000 rounds (2 years)
9100000000 rounds (20 years)
101000000000 rounds (200 years)


For a Spell to be "within Range" the target or point of emanation for an Area must be within the distance below from a space within your Reach.

00ft (within your reach)
110 ft (within 10 ft of your reach)
2100 ft (within 100 ft)
31000 ft (within 1000 ft)
410000 ft (within 2 miles)
5100000 ft (within 20 miles)
61000000 ft (within 200 miles)
710000000 ft (within 2000 miles)
8100000000 ft (anywhere on earth)
91000000000 ft (as far as the moon)
1010000000000 ft (within 1/46th of the way to the sun)


The Spell affects all Creatures in the given Area. You make a seperate Attack roll against each Creature affected when necessary. You can select either a Blast, a Cone, or a Line. You can choose to make something smaller than the given Area, such as a fireball with a diameter of only a few inches to provide Light, or a lightning bolt that is only 250 ft long instead of 300. Creatures do not benefit from concealment in Area Spells (but may still benefit from Cover).

Blast (sphere emanating from center)

EnergyMax Diameter

Cone (90° emanating from point)

EnergyMax Radius

Line (line emanating from one end up to 5 ft thick)

EnergyMax Length