
Skill Feats

NameTypeDescriptionFeat ReqsLevel ReqAbilityAbility req
AthleticCommonWhen you Move with a Jump, Climb, or Swim Check you Move 5ft farther than you normally would.-1STR5
Heavy LoadCommonYour Carrying Capacity is increased by 2 Bulk-1STR5
Improved ClimbCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Climb Checks.-1--
Cliff HangerCommonYou have Advantage on Climb Checks made as Reactions to Grab onto surfaces.-1STR5
Climber's GripCommonYou can maintain your hold while Climbing in precarious positions without using either of your hands and can Climb with only one hand.-1STR6
Mountain GuideHumanWhile Climbing you point out the best handholds for other climbers. Once per Round you may give another Creature within 30 ft Advantage on a Climb Check as a Free Action.-1STR5
Expert ClimberCommonRoll all Climb Checks with Advantage.Cliff Hanger OR Climber's Grip OR Mountain Guide5STR7
Improved JumpCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Jump Checks.-1--
Chasm LeaperCommonYou have Advantage on Jump Checks when jumping over drops greater than 10ft.-1STR5
High JumperCommonYou have Advantage on Jump Checks that are no more than 10 ft horizontally.-1STR5
Long JumpCommonYou can spend two Actions to Jump twice as far.-1STR6
Expert LeaperCommonRoll all Jump Checks with Advantage.Chasm Leaper OR High Jumper OR Long Jump5STR7
Improved SwimCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Swim Checks.-1--
DiverCommonYou have Advantage on Swim Checks to Move up while under water.-1STR5
Hold BreathCommonYou can hold your breath for minutes equal to your STR.-1STR5
River SwimmerCommonYou can choose to not be affected by the current of the water you are Swimming in at the start of each Turn.-1STR6
Expert SwimmerCommonRoll all Swim Checks with Advantage.Diver OR Hold Breath OR River Swimmer5STR7
Big and ScaryCommonYou may use STR instead of ESS for Checks to Intimidate-1STR6
PilotHumanYou know how to Pilot a Vehicle (d20+DEX+Level). You can roll Helm Checks.-1DEX5
Expert PilotHumanRoll all Helm Checks with Advantage.Pilot5DEX7
Improved ConcealCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Conceal Checks.-1--
CamouflageCommonYou have Advantage on hiding items in their surroundings. (such as covering a Trap in leaves or hiding a Small box in the floorboards)-1DEX5
DisguiseCommonYou can use Conceal to Disguise a yourself or an Ally as someone else. If the roll is successful it also can be used as evidence when you are Lying about be the person you are disguised as. If you are disguising your target as a specific person you roll with Disadvantage.-1DEX6
Hidden bladeHumanYou have Advantage on Checks to Conceal a single Diminutive or smaller Object on your person.-1DEX5
Expert SmugglerCommonRoll all Conceal Checks with Advantage.Camouflage OR Disguise OR Hidden blade5DEX7
Improved SneakCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Sneak Checks.-1--
Home TurfCommonYou have Advantage sneaking in a place you've been before.-1DEX6
Silent killCommonIf you kill a Creature that had not yet acted in combat you may roll Sneak to do so quietly.-1DEX5
TailCommonYou have Advantage on Checks to Sneak when only avoiding detection from one Creature.-1DEX5
Expert ShadowCommonRoll all Sneak Checks with Advantage.Home Turf OR Silent kill OR Tail5DEX7
Improved SwipeCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Swipe Checks.-1--
PalmCommonYou have Advantage on Checks to Swipe Objects Fine Size or smaller-1DEX6
Parlor TricksCommonYou have Advantage on Swipe Checks while being watched (this cancels out the Disadvantage you would normally have)-1DEX5
Pick PocketCommonYou can use Swipe to steal items Creatures are carrying except for Armor and items they are currently holding or to leave items on their person without them noticing.-1DEX5
Expert ThiefCommonRoll all Swipe Checks with Advantage.Palm OR Parlor Tricks OR Pick Pocket5DEX7
AcrobaticsCommonYou may use DEX instead of STR on Checks to Jump-1DEX6
ArtificerHumanYou can roll Power Checks (d20+ESS+Level). You can create any magical item or Enchantment if given enough time and materials worth as much as the item you are trying to craft. (this includes magical Traps, Potions, and Enchantments for items, but the items to be enchanted must be provided in addition to any materials needed for the Enchantment.)Spell Casting 11ESS5
Expert ArtificerHumanRoll all Power Checks with Advantage.Artificer5ESS7
Improved IntimidateCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Intimidate Checks.-1--
Dominant PresenceCommonWhen you Intimidate a Creature their relation to you doesn't worsen until an hour later.-1ESS5
InterrogatorHumanYou have Advantage on Intimidation Checks to ask for information.-1ESS6
PeacekeeperCommonYou have Advantage on Intimidate Checks to discourage people from fighting.-1ESS5
Expert BullyCommonRoll all Intimidate Checks with Advantage.Dominant Presence OR Interrogator OR Peacekeeper5ESS7
Improved LieCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Lie Checks.-1--
AlibiHumanYou have Advantage when lying to deny your Actions.-1ESS6
Charming LiarHumanYou may use a persuasion Check in place of evidence when telling a Lie, or Lie about having the thing the other Creature wants when making a persuasion Check.-1ESS5
ImpersonatorHumanYou have Advantage on Lie Checks to impersonate someone you've met or watched at length.-1ESS5
Expert LiarCommonRoll all Lie Checks with Advantage.Alibi OR Charming Liar OR Impersonator5ESS7
Improved PersuasionCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Persuasion Checks.-1--
Friendly faceHumanYou have Advantage on your first persuasion Check with strangers-1ESS6
Inspiring LeaderHumanYou have Advantage on persuasion Checks to Persuade Friendly or Loyal Creatures to give you dangerous aid.-1ESS5
PerformanceHumanYou know how to play an instrument or make some other Performance with incredible Skill. This can often be used as something others may want (depending on the person) as part of a Persuade Check for Small favors or to improve their Relationship to you.-1ESS5
Expert NegotiatorCommonRoll all Persuade Checks with Advantage.Friendly face OR Inspiring Leader OR Performance5ESS7
Social LubricantCommonYou may use ESS instead of MND on Checks to Investigate.-1ESS6
MechanicHumanYou can roll Repair Checks (d20+MND+Level). You can create any non magical item if given enough time and materials worth as much as the item you are trying to craft. You can also Repair Damaged items (but not Destroyed) at a rate of 1hp per minute.-1MND5
Expert MechanicHumanRoll all Repair Checks with AdvantageMechanic5MND7
Improved InvestigateCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Investigate Checks.-1--
LinguisticsHumanWhen you Encounter a language or cypher you may make an Investigate Check (DC 15 for languages, the DC for a cypher may vary). On a success you get a vague understanding of what is said, but lose many of the details. On a Critical Success you learn the language or crack the cypher and no longer need to roll in the future to decipher its meaning. -1MND5
StudiesHumanYou study a topic extensively (such as language, history, Spells, engineering, geography, a profession, etc...). Whenever that topic comes up you may roll an investigation Check to see if you know the information. (Common Knowledge DC 10, Advanced Knowledge DC 20, Secret Knowledge DC30)-1MND5
TrackerCommonYou have Advantage on Investigation Checks to follow a someones tracks.-1MND6
Expert InvestigatorCommonRoll all Investigate Checks with Advantage.Linguistics OR Studies OR Tracker5MND7
Improved TinkerCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Tinker Checks.-1--
Careful DeactivationHumanThe first time you fail to Tinker a Trap you do not trigger the Trap or jam the lock. (if you try to Tinker the same item again and fail the device is triggered as normal)-1MND5
SafecrackerHumanYou have Advantage on Checks to Tinker against locks. (this includes all kinds of locks not just safes)-1MND5
UnboundCommonYou can automatically succeed on Tinker Checks to free yourself from personal restraints. (this works for manacles, entangling Bombs, and rope bindings, but does not allow you to escape a prison cell)-1MND6
Expert SaboteurCommonRoll all Tinker Checks with Advantage.Careful Deactivation OR Safecracker OR Unbound5MND7
Improved MedicineCommonYou gain a +1 Bonus to Medicine Checks.-1--
First AidHumanYou have Advantage on Medicine Checks when the target is Bleeding.-1MND5
Improvised AntitoxinHumanYou may roll a Medicine Check to end the Effects of a Poison. The DC is equal to 20+Level of the Poison.-1MND6
PhysicianHumanYou can diagnose and treat illnesses. If given enough time you can automatically Heal a Creature to maximum HP without needing to roll Medicine Checks.-1MND5
Expert MedicCommonRoll all Medicine Checks with Advantage.First Aid OR Improvised Antitoxin OR Physician5MND7
Careful PlanningCommonYou may use MND instead of DEX on Checks to Conceal -1MND6
Animal HandlingCommonYou can use Persuade on Beasts. This can be used to get them to complete a simple task, or increase your Relationship with them (Beasts that are Friendly or Loyal to you can be commanded). Animals normally want food or other offerings based on their Level.-1--
AssistantHumanYou have someone who will do mundane tasks for you. They will not do anything dangerous and generally flee or hide in combat, but may deliver messages, run errands, carry things, keep lookout. and so on. (This Assistant is a Level 1 Human with no Feats that is Loyal to you)-1--
Beast SpeechHumanWhile using shape change to assume another form you can speak even if that form would not normally be able to.Spell Effect (Shape Change)1--
DealmakerHumanYou can always find things you are looking to buy, or can find information on how to acquire them if they are especially rare.-1--
DistractionCommonYou create a Distraction as an Action. This draws everyone's attention to you (or your general Area if you are Hidden) giving you Disadvantage on Sneak, Swipe, or Conceal Checks, but everyone else Advantage on Sneak, Swipe, or Conceal Checks for the next Round.-1--
FamiliarCommonYou gain a non combat Beast follower (such as a mouse, parate, or other Small pet) capable of following basic instructions. You can spend a day to acquire a new Beast to act as your Familiar.-1--
Jack of all TradesHumanYou know a little about a lot of things. When a new topic comes up you can roll an investigation Check. On a 20 or higher you know a piece of common knowledge on the topic that may be useful. Unlike Studies this cannot be used to gain advanced or secret knowledge.-1--
LocalCommonYou have spent a long time in a given Area. You know some details about most people in the Area and they are more likely to be Warm or Friendly to you.-1--
MembershipHumanYou are part of an important Faction in the world. The organization is considered Friendly to you by default and most of its members are Friendly or Warm to you. These Relationships can still be changed as normal from this point if you act to help or harm the organization or individual members.-1--
OracleCommonYou occasionally receive visions of the possible future. The GM may grant these visions as they see fit, but you may also intentionally try and look into the future as an Action. When you do the GM rolls a d20 in secret. On an 11 or higher you receive a Small glimpse of a likely future. On a 6-10 you receive no clear vision at all. On a 1-5 you receive a false or misleading vision.-1--
Perfect RecallHumanYou have a near perfect memory and can easily remember most things you have Seen or heard recently.-1--
PreparedHumanYou have a bag or other container on you that is full of various useful equipment. When buying things you can say that you are buying supplies and record an amount of Gold that you spend. At any point in the future you may pull a basic item you need from your bag and deduct it's cost from the money you have spent on supplies.-1--
ReputationCommonWhen you first introduce yourself to someone roll a persuasion Check against them. On a success you choose a rumor they have heard about you. On a failure or partial success the GM chooses a negative rumor they have heard about you.-1--
SpawnBeastYou create offspring of another Creature of your Type two levels lower than you. This takes at least 10 days.-3--
Subtle CastingHumanYou can Cast a Spells with subtle gestures so no one around you notices-1--
SurvivalCommonYou can survive in the wild finding your own food and shelter.-1--
VentriloquismCommonYou can throw your voice to make it sound like it is coming from somewhere else within 20 ft of you. You are also skilled at mimicry allowing you to reproduce sounds or even short phrases relatively accurately.-1--
WayfarerCommonYou have a perfect sense of direction and always know which way is North. You can also spend an Action to get a general understanding of where you are relative to known landmarks. Between these abilities it is possible to navigate successfully over long distances as well as in unfamiliar cities, but not through completely foreign terrain.-1--